Large companies and manufacturers of all industries wish to simplify and speed up their production so that they can manufacture in bulk and of course generate profit. When it comes to labelling, this can be achieved with the automated labelling machine which requires roll labels. The manufacturing of these stick-on roll labels is MONIKO’s principal business activity.
These cards are thicker than regular labels, they are not adhesive and in most cases are perforated. Usually, they are printed on both sides and are used as tickets for the cinema, the theater or concerts.
These are regular, perforated cards and can be printed on both sides. They are used for machines for instant games.
We manufacture tea bag envelopes, as well was tags (which allow you to hold the tea bag).
Packed pictures which can be put in other products such as chips, chocolates etc.
Children’s Temporary Tattoos – One of our latest grand projects is the successful development of the manufacturing system for temporary tattoos